
Your Everest Story

Samip Raut

March 5, 2024

Go. Explore with Laliguras

In 1924, George Mallory and Andrew Irwin dared to scale Mt. Everest, vanishing just 800 feet below summit. Their bold endeavor remained the highest point anyone had reached until Sir. Edmund Hillary and Tenzin Norgay triumphed in 1953.

While many mountaineers focus on conquering summits, true exploration extends beyond reaching the pinnacle. It encompasses exploring the unknown - the uncharted places, languages, cultures, and even one's undiscovered abilities. Laliguras is committed to fostering this spirit of exploration, and we are starting our journey by introducing Your Digital Hiking Buddy - a platform to help you plan all your hiking adventures from start to finish.

At Laliguras, we promote hiking and trekking adventures whilst recognizing the fragility of our natural ecosystem. We aim to craft community stories celebrating the thrill of exploration, prioritizing the view over mountain conquests. We aspire to bring forth these captivating narratives, and we are starting with – What’s Your Everest Story?

What is “Your Everest Story?”

It is a one-off event that encourages people to share their hiking stories to Everest Base Camp. We believe that every hiker that goes to the Everest Base Camp has a story to share. And we want to turn such stories into something useful, something that the people who seek to explore in future could learn from.

So, here is your chance to share your best hiking moments, recommend hotels, and stand a chance to win exclusive rewards!

How can you participate?

Here are the three easy steps to participate in our first “Your Everest Story”:

1. Create a Tour

  1. Visit , create your tour by answering basic questions, and save it. Only by saving, your tour gets published, officially onboarding you onto Your Everest Story. Check out your published tour in the "All Tours" section, ready to be shared, viewed, and joined by your friends.

2. Send details

  1. Visit, click "Share details" to access the repository. Upload the listed details after creating a tour. Incomplete tour details won't be considered for the reward.

  2. a. Name and contact details of the lodge you stay at (Hint: photo of the visiting card of the lodge will suffice.)

  3. b. Photo of the lodge. Make sure to turn on the Geo-location to capture the Geo-location of the lodges. (note: Pictures taken from mobile devices typically saves Geo location information automatically)

3. Win

  1. Make sure to share your tour and collect as many likes as you can. The tour that has the most likes on 31st May 2024 will win €300.

When does the event start and end?

We open this event for the spring season in 2024, running from March until 31st May. This also means that any tour created after 31st May will not be considered for this reward. The winner of the event will be announced on 15th June 2024.

What is the reward?

It’s simple: the tour that collects most likes on 31st May 2024 will win €300.

What are the eligibility criteria?

Anyone above the age of 18 can participate.

Terms and conditions:

By participating in this event, you agree to the following terms and conditions.

  1. - You give Laliguras GmbH the rights to host and publish the information (photos and texts) that you have shared.

  2. - Laliguras GmbH reserve the right to delete the Tour in case of any observance of malicious intent.

  3. - Laliguras GmbH reserve the right to assess the quality of the documents uploaded and is the sole decision maker on the qualification.

Visit our dedicated page on Terms and Conditions for further details.


We want our customers to experience the freedom of exploring the nature and mountains on their own. That’s why we developed Laliguras – a Digital Hiking Buddy that can accompany you on your journey from the start to the end. While we truly believe in being lost in nature and embracing wanderlust, we encourage our customers to be mindful of the need to protect themselves, the nature, and the culture.

Visit our dedicated page on Safety for further details.

here is your chance to share your best hiking moments, recommend hotels, and stand a chance to win exclusive rewards!


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